The program encourages undergraduate students to participate in the development of gravitational-wave astronomy through the LIGO Project. Selected students will work on summer research projects either at the Caltech campus in Pasadena, California or at the LIGO Observatory sites in Washington or Louisiana. The program runs from June 12 through August 22, 2014. Considering the fact that the summer vacation period in major Indian undergrad institutions start early, it might be possible for the selected students to start the projects 1 month earlier.
Online applications should be submitted before the deadline of 15 February 2014. Please also arrange to send two recommendation letters to be sent directly to the e-mail ligosurf (at) gw-indigo (dot) org prior to the deadline. More information is available here.
Applications invited for the LIGO-IndIGO Summer Students Program
Published At: 2014-01-21 12:00 -
LIGO Laboratory at California Institute of Technology hosts a 10-week summer student research program every year, called the LIGO SURF Program. Considering the imminent possibility of the LIGO-India project, LIGO has graciously agreed to host a few talented and motivated undergraduate students from Indian institutions, pre-selected by IndIGO, as part of this program.